Enhanced EXTERNAL COUNTER PULSATION (eECP), a truly non-operative, non-pharmaceutical, safe and effective treatment. |
eECP opens dormant blood vessels and to stimulate formation of new blood vessels thus increasing the blood supply to heart muscles. |
Angina usually is controlled by medication that helps increase the supply of oxygen to the deprived heart muscles by dilating coronary arteries. Unfortunately, in most patients, medication becomes ineffective over time. Bypass surgery or Angioplasty is usually recommended if medication fails to ease angina or if the risk of heart attack is high. Invasive procedures sometimes fail, pose risks and are very expensive.
An FDA-approved alternative to bypass surgery is now available to patients who suffer from cardiovascular disease and congestive heart failure. They cannot be treated effectively with medication, are unsuitable or unwilling to undergo invasive procedures. This therapy is called Enhanced External Counter Pulsation (EECP). |
Unlike heart surgery and angioplasty, EECP provides an efficacious, clinically tested, non-surgical, non-invasive, non-pharmaceutical therapy that does not require any type of anesthesia or hospital stay.
EECP functions as a circulatory assist device by offering external counter pulsation for treating ischemic heart disease, allowing the heart to develop its own bypasses. It is safe, painless, and affordable. |
EECP gently massages blood from the legs back to the heart. It increases blood flow to the heart by 42% and opens up small blood vessels that typically stay closed unless under pressure. This therapy improves cardiac function by enhancing the perfusion of the coronary vasculature. It operates using a mechanism similar to the intra-aortic balloon pump (IABP).
EECP encourages the growth of new collateral blood vessels that allow blood to flow around coronary artery blockages. It promotes blood flow through dormant vessels, stimulating their growth and helping to nourish the ailing heart. By increasing oxygen delivery to the heart muscles, EECP relieves or eliminates angina. It also boosts exercise tolerance and extends the time before exercise-induced ischemia occurs. |
Many people suffer from heart failure and angina, making simple activities challenging.
The treatment decreases the need for medication. It improves the ability to participate in normal day-to-day activities. Helps to relieve or eliminate angina and have various other beneficial effects on different systems of the body. Balloon CounterPulsation has gained widespread acceptance as a therapy for cardiogenic shock. Despite a surfeit of recent diagnostic and therapeutic advances, healthcare providers still find it challenging to adequately help patients with heart failure. Scientists continue to explore new technologies to address the pressing need for better therapies. Over the past several years, the use of EECP as a treatment for chronic angina has increased steadily. Recently, researchers have demonstrated its potential role in managing heart failure. CURRENT PROGRESSResearchers continue to identify mechanisms of benefit for this technology. It includes enhanced perfusion of coronary and other key target organ beds, as well as angiogenesis and improved cellular metabolism. In addition to these proposed mechanisms, evidence shows that patients with and without left ventricular dysfunction experience improved and sustained outcomes. Many people think that heart bypass surgery or stent placement in the arteries are the only options to increase blood flow. However, for some patients, these invasive treatments are not an option or are undesirable. For those patients, healthcare providers offer Enhanced External Counterpulsation (EECP) therapy as an alternative. Studies have shown that EECP therapy is both effective and safe. Research indicates that 80% of patients who complete the 35-hour course of treatment experience significant symptom relief that can last up to three years. RECOMMENDED THERAPY SCHEDULEEECP therapy is performed on an outpatient basis. Each treatment usually lasts for an hour each day, five days a week, for a total of 7 weeks or 35 hours. The patient lies on a treatment table while large blood pressure-like cuffs are wrapped around their legs and upper thighs. The therapy team inflates and deflates the cuffs at intervals that match the patient’s heartbeat. A continuous electrocardiogram (ECG) sets these intervals so the cuffs inflate while the heart rests. Thus allowing it to receive its supply of blood and oxygen. The therapy team deflates the cuffs at the end of the rest period, just before the next heartbeat. A special sensor applied to the patient’s finger monitors the oxygen levels in the blood. It also tracks the pressure waves created by the inflating and deflating cuffs. EECP therapy is provided at some of the world’s leading institutions including the Whitaker Wellness Institute, Mayo Clinic, Cleveland Clinic, University of California at San Francisco and San Diego, Duke University Medical Center, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, and many more. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/treatments/16949-enhanced-external-counterpulsation-eecp Hear about this from our patient Patient Testimonials for Dr Saxena | Doctor Testimonials | Dr. Saxena (drsaxenaclinic.com) Dr Saxena patient eecp testimoneal (youtube.com) The basis of our current medical standard is the treatment of existing disease.If you have high blood pressure, you can take a pill.If you have a heart attack, you can get a bypass.If you have cancer, you can get chemotherapy.But once the bypass is complete and once the cancer is removed, you are still left with the underlying imbalances that allowed the plaque or the cancer to develop in the first place. |