Integrated Cancer Treatment, ‘Root Out’ The Stress Of Cancer Affliction
- September 30, 2019
- saxena
Are You suffering from cancer?
Are you looking for the best treatment at an affordable cost?
The stress caused by the disease can be treated. Let’s take a look at the story of how cancer treatment causes side effects and financial stress.
A 52-year-old finance professional, has been diagnosed with stage IIIB liver cancer. As it has not spread to lymph nodes or other organs, all is not lost yet. At the same at stage III and his age, we cannot say that his cancer can be cured entirely through surgery or transplant. He is the only breadwinner in a middle-class family of four. His wife is a full-time homemaker, his son pursuing electronics engineering, and daughter getting ready to appear in Xth class board exams. On doctor’s advice, he opted for surgery followed by chemotherapy regimen to kill malignant cells. The side effects are not easy to cope with, due to high levels of pain, hair and fingernail loss, constipation, diarrhoea, unrelenting fatigue, and frequent fever. Added is the financial stress caused by the high cost of medicare.
How often do we come across such stories? Almost always. If you need cancer treatment, you need to learn and think a lot. It is normal to feel overwhelmed and confused. However, if you talk to a doctor and learn all about your treatment options, including Integrative medicine, you can make the right decision. In this article, we look at what are the treatment options available for cancer treatment and how treatments help improve the quality of life and survival.
What is Cancer?
According to the National Institute of Cancer Prevention and Research (NICPR), more than 2.5 million people are living with cancer. And every year over seven lakh new patients are being diagnosed with cancer.
Cells are the fundamental unit of the human body. Cells divide into too many cells according to the body’s needs. Usually, cells die if they are too old or damaged. Then new cells replace it.
Cancer begins when genetic changes interfere with this normal process. The cells start to grow uncontrollably. These cells all together can form a mass called a tumour. Tumours can be malignant or benign. If the cancer is deadly, which means it can grow and spread to other parts of the body. A benign tumour means that the tumour can grow but not spread.
Let us understand cancer in simple terms. Toxins, or even merely disease-causing waste material, starts piling up in cells. When it reaches such high levels, it denies the cell 60 per cent or more of its oxygen requirements. Short on breath, the cell starts to mutate to survive. In this degraded form, the cell loses its functions:
- It no longer heals or regulates body functions
- Does not produce hormones
- Cannot help in food digestion
Whichever part of the body this mutating cell is in, cancer grows and grows, and starts spreading. Cancer is a dreadful disease. It is dreadful because of its extremely severe impact on the body and the stress it creates for the caregivers. Today, cancer patients and survivors are increasingly looking for complementary treatment approaches to reduce:
- Side effects of conventional cancer treatment
- Enhance the health-related quality of life
- Improve clinical outcomes.
Let’s learn what are the treatments used for cancer and let’s know what the best treatment is.
Conventional Cancer Treatment:
Typically, when faced with cancer, the standard practice is to consult the surgeons, who cut out tumours, and to oncologists, who use potent chemotherapy and radiation to stop the disease from spreading. Usually, the treatment ends here. The different types of conventional cancer treatment are:
- Surgery
- Radiation Therapy
- Chemotherapy
- Immunotherapy to Treat Cancer
- Targeted Therapy
- Hormone Therapy
- Stem Cell Transplant
- Precision Medicine
Integrative Medicine: Non-Toxic Cancer Therapy That Builds Up The Body Rather Than Tear It Down:
Integrative oncology takes a more holistic, long-term approach to the disease, paying close attention to the overall health of patients suffering from cancer. Across the world, several doctors, have embraced the expanding field of integrative oncology, which fuses the best of conventional and alternative treatments.
Thankfully, there is a solution; and it does not cost a fortune. This solution enables patients to manage the side effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy effectively; boosts their immunity; and reduces the risk of relapse. This solution can also help lower cancer risk in healthy people. Welcome to the world of Integrative medicine.
Integrative Oncology treatment: Protects a normal healthy cell, and boosts the immune system by blocking the angiogenic process that supports cancer growth and minimizes cancer-induced cachexia. In short, it de-stresses the cell! The added advantage is that it complements and enhances conventional treatment strategies. Meet Dr Praveen Saxena, an experienced practitioner of Integrative Medicine working on metabolic Oncology.
Conventional Oncology is focused on finding sharper ways to kill a tumour, usually with lethal toxicity to the host body. Integrative Oncology focuses on nutrition, exercise, stress management and targeted supplements to reduce inflammation and boost immunity.
Conventional medicine and alternative medicine as it is practised elsewhere may address the underlying causes of cancer, but with methods that are gentle and slow-acting. This is unwise when cancer is life-threatening. The integrative therapy aggressively kills cancer cells, but without side effects, and we simultaneously rebuild the patient’s strength and vitality, reversing the factors that gave rise to cancer in the first place. So, suggested the treatment is integrative medicine that does not cause any side effects.
Why Dr Praveen Saxena For Integrative Treatment:
Dr. Praveen Saxena, a certified clinical metal toxicologist, and an interventional radiologist have been offering integrative medicine in Hyderabad for two decades. Through his diverse expertise holistic approach, Dr Praveen Saxena deals with toxicity associated with cancer innovatively. He is an integrative doctor, providing, in his words, “the best of what both worlds have to offer.” His treatments have helped thousands of patients through his Integrative Medicine.
Dr Praveen Saxena works with the latest in cancer screening and technologies like Thermoscan, which picks cancer at a very early stage. His focus is to root out the cause of cancer in the patient, including genetic, physiological, environmental, nutritional, social, emotional and spiritual factors. He says that chemotherapy and radiation have their place in treatment, but in many cases, they are simply not enough in dealing with the total impact of cancer.
The Author :
Dr. Saxena
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