Where are you located?
Dr Saxena has two clinics in the city of Hyderabad. We are not in any other Indian city. For the exact addresses of our clinics at Basheerbagh and Gachibowli, refer to our contact page.
How do I pay for the services?
We, like all medical facilities, expect to be compensated for our services. However, the only hiccup remains with insurance as only some insurance companies accept claims related to integrative medicine, while most don’t. So our understanding is that it is the patient’s responsibility to make necessary financial arrangements to avail our treatments.
Would I need a referral from any primary care physician before I approach Dr Saxena?
It is not necessary to have a referral from your primary care physician. However, it would be vital to have the physician on board as it will maximise our efforts on your treatments when you work in conjunction with the physician.
Are there treatments for cancer with integrative medicine?
Absolutely. Cancer is one of the first illness that integrative medicine is designed to treat. The methods are different from the conventional way but have been known to affect patients positively.
Are integrative medicine practices illegal?
Not at all. Integrative medicine might be new to our country, but it indeed an approved method of medicinal practice across the globe. The plans are different and as are the results for patients. The approach and training make it a different kind of healthcare practice, but there is nothing illegal about it.
What is the philosophy behind integrated medicine?
First, integrative medicine and its methods are different from the conventional medicine. Integrative medicine believes in treating the problem, right from its root-cause and not just the symptoms that are the outcome of the initial problem. There are, however, some treatments that may require a combination of integrative and conventional medicines, and at Dr Saxena, we are always ready to find solutions for such problems.
What is hormonal balance?
Hormonal balance for men and women are different. In most cases, women are most affected by hormonal imbalances than men. At our integrated medicine clinic, we have the solutions for hormonal imbalances in both men and women. For the exact answer to your problem, you could contact us.
How do I contact the office?
You could call us or write to us on the information provided on our contacts page.
Does Dr Saxena’s clinic accept insurance?
Not all insurance companies accept Integrative Medicine in general. This concept is somewhat new in India, and as it slowly gains momentum, more insurance companies would be recognising it in the future. For now, few do accept it. For more information contact us, and we shall inform you the right choices based on your treatments.